Dr. Michael Yeadon was the head of the research department and one of several presidents at Pfizer. I highly recommend listening to this speech he gave at a recent demonstration in London (May 2023).
And if this all still sounds like science fiction to you, try to think what these people would gain from inventing and putting not only their reputations, but literally their lives on the line...
Have you been vaccinated against covid?
You will best support my work buys books,
if you don't read, you can and otherwise....
They could put 100% rat poison in these injections while completely denying the truth and the world population would still not figure out that they want you dead. We're headed the way of the Dodo because we have absolutely ZERO self-preservation. Even those who know and believe the truth stand by and watch millions of people line up for extermination because we are all too afraid to act without the leadership telling us what to do.
I will also add why the killing of chickens and the fake bird flu were solved worldwide, the American authorities have now approved the sale of chicken meat grown in laboratories on animal cells
People may be eating CANCER from lab-grown meat, everything fits together like a puzzle all the time and only a moron doesn't see through. Cultured meat does more harm than good because it uses “immortal cell lines” – a fancy name for cancer cells – to produce it. But all this is not intentional and certainly other coincidences, they wouldn't do that after all.
That material used to make the product replicates forever, just like cancer. Which basically means they are cancer. So they literally eat tumors.
LET'S SUM IT UP! Below are ten points to think about, if there is anything else to include... :
1) Up to 80 % people they are so stupid that they were (and still are) injected with a depopulation biological weapon because they were told it was a savior "vaccine"..
That's 4 out of 5 people!
2) Rapid decline cognitive functions is spreading everywhere in the world where these injections have been applied in large numbers. Critical thinking is almost gone.
3) Masses have become too lazy and apathetic to resist tyranny. Too many people focus on how the system, mine as much fake fiat currency as possible.
4) We poisoned the food supply bio-components, pesticides and herbicides to the extent that "eternal chemicals" now contaminate most soils and farms. We have poisoned the oceans and waterways with atrazine and microplastics. We have poisoned the skies with industrial pollution and globalist corporations are pushing terraforming operations with a purpose deplete CO2 from the atmosphere and kill most plants on the planet..
5) We have largely lost the ability to reproduce. The number of sperm and their mobility drops sharply. Female infertility is exploding. Birth centers are closing en masse and the number of new born babies is collapsing in the post-vaccination era. Babies being born suffer from higher rates of autism, infertility and neurological defects than at any time in human history.
6) LGBT cults target mothers, fathers and families as a malevolent effort to stop the sustainability of the human race. They mutilate children's reproductive organs and call it "gender-affirming care." They kill healthy babies and call it "women's reproductive health". They inoculate young children with neurotoxins to induce autism, mental retardation and infertility. The LGBT cult commands perversion, homosexuality, pedophilia, human trafficking and child rape. The end result is fewer children..
7) Human institutions stifle innovation to protect corporate interests. E.g. cancer cures have been around for decades but are under attack by the pharmaceutical industry controlled by the medical establishment. Solutions for scalable pesticide-free food production already exist and can feed the world, yet they are suppressed in favor of GMOs and pesticides that profit the powerful giants financially. They focus on suppressing knowledge, truth, and transparency to keep humanity in the dark about the planet-wide extermination that has already begun.
8) Humanity's current political leaders have no knowledge about what constitutes a sustainable civilization and routinely make political decisions that lead to suffering and collapse. They are motivated to promote policies based on virtues and delusional myths (such as climate change), not the realities of sustainable living. They only seek power.
9) Humanity is suicidal and produces weapons of mass destruction, which threaten not only themselves, but also the entire planetary ecosystem. Nuclear weapons are just one example. Similarly, artificial intelligence systems pose an existential threat to the very existence of humanity. Humanity also manufactures and unleashes biological weapons - such as covid and its "vaccines" - against its fellow human beings and actively works to achieve global depopulation by any means, including the release of biological weapons into the wild..
10) Humanity has lost touch with reality in the area of money and finance, which will lead to an inevitable global debt collapse that will plunge humanity into misery and chaos. Debt doesn't matter? Literally endless money printing is for sustainable and healthy?.. Through their fiat currency counterfeiting (printing) operations, they siphon the product of other people's labor. They want total domination of the world's money, even if it means destroying the financial sustainability and resilience of humanity!
Hello..I would like to ask, this is a bit off topic..if anyone knows what the Istanbul Agreement and its amendments are - explanatory notes. The entire text can be downloaded from the website tradikorodina.cz. I couldn't even finish reading the whole thing, what loopholes are in this text, despite the fact that everything seems to be in order.. Please pay attention to it, especially the explanatory messages. The point here is that they approve and legalize things like sex with anyone, including family members, and it's nicely tucked away under the "marriage for all" group
I have absolutely no doubt that global leadership is now in the hands of psychopaths and deviants. Please, if I can ask for emails to our parliamentarians and senators, I think it was here and it was quite successful... I also recommend the video Innovation of the Republic, part: Someone kicks the Germans ideologically. LGBT crap is quickly starting to get into schools too..
I recommend trying this:
It's up to us to let them. We are the only ones who have the power to simply say NO..
+ Report on the sudden and unexpected death of DR. Rashid Buttar blew me away. He had a lot of excellent and valuable information, and most importantly, he was one of the few who stood against the covid fraud right from the start.. Similar to Dr. Yeadon. He died already on May 18, 2023.

There is no doubt that such are the targets of attacks. We must support ALL fighters in the front line: people like these, =people like us here=, along with all the whistleblowers, podcasters, etc.etc.. All those who speak and defend the truth…
+ Let's say you wanted to rule the country, how would you start? First of all, by obeying everyone who is authorized to use lethal force (AČR, police...), then with the law enforcement authorities, you would progress down..
See the recent "trial" (DIVADLO) with Peterková, Tušl, Čermák:
I'm sorry, but this person doesn't strike me as trustworthy. He says he will provide data we can verify but I only lasted the first 8 minutes and he didn't provide any data. I couldn't watch any more, it felt like propaganda.
Only the dumb don't believe in depopulation and the role of mRNA vaccination and reducing the carbon footprint in this "agenda"
It is quite difficult to present data on the square. You can certainly look it up, as well as his specialization, if you wanted to. But you obviously don't want to - your life, your health, your damage…
Mr. Tománek, I respect you, I am not vaccinated against covid. I know that the whole event was a scam. But that video really looks like propaganda from the other side. Think about it a little. After all, such a speech can have rather the opposite effect. If I compare this video with the performance of e.g. Prof. Turánka or MUDr. Čižka, these seem trustworthy. I also have great respect for MUDr. Hnízdil, but even in his case it is often an overly aggressive expression.
Yes, the whole covid "operation" was and is fraudulent, based on lies, etc. I would like to remind you a little so that we never forget, FRAMING:
1. Obtaining a functional virus (of viruses) created as a depopulation weapon to exterminate the "weak" and elderly people..
2. Closures were designed and implemented to cause mass damage to people's physical and mental health, destroy the economy, individual freedom..
3. Compulsory wearing of masks was a "scientific" hoax that (deliberately) caused bacterial infections of the mouth, throat, and lungs that helped create billions of false positive PCR tests.
4. False “Vaccination” they are actually blood vessel-clotting prions that cause disease, disorder and mass death. No "vaccine" has ever been more disastrous, harmful and deadly than the covid jab. Billions of people are now suffering from blood clots, myocarditis, pericarditis, turbo cancer, or are already DEAD as a result of spike protein gene mutation injections..
5. Mass censorship has never been so brutal - Freedom of speech has been almost eliminated.. All major media, social networks, Google, YouTube, hospitals, public schools and corporate workplaces are under control..
6. Tech giants and social media giants censor all debate and free speech..
They can track and restrict the movement of people around the world based on their obedience to orders, especially in times of "public health threats" such as (was) covid or another "pandemic"..
+ I will add that even a three-day fast can reduce inflammation, revive the immune system and eliminate symptoms after "vaccination.."
you and people like you are beyond help
vaccinated chickens