Intervention in front of the Museum provoked by the police


It is quite clear that Minister Rakušan publicly LHAL about the incident in front of the National Museum. Like all mainstream media.

Does anyone else feel like we live in a state of law when the police don't help and protect, but INTENTIONALLY incite violence and engage the crowd standing in front of the Museum building?
And the media - the pillar of democracy - are silent, or even deliberately lie and purposefully distort everything in favor of the government.

I will allow myself an addition for the silent majority
You still don't understand that the media and both governments here for three years CONSISTENTLY are they lying
For now, it's still "fun" - but soon it won't be, and when they come for you or your children, there won't be anyone to defend you...
Try to think about it!

EDIT - THIRD and FOURTH VIDEOS ADDED where the police directly BEAT one of the protestors in the FACE!


Animated image with bounce effect

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1 year ago

And in the meantime, another demonstration took place, hundreds of thousands of people, on 16.4. against the government:
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+ To this I will add this absolute bottom of Czech journalism: "Anti-Poverty Demonstration with Gold Rings:

:VS: on the same day 16.4. a handful of idiots with a reportage pig, for the government:
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This is another little proof that this "government" supporting the corrupt fringe, which by the way is a testing ground for Europe, such as GMOs, biolabs..NOBODY WANTS!!

1 year ago

I'm just a piece of rag, as one policewoman called him.
According to the legislation, what hangs at the National Museum is not the flag of Ukraine, but a piece of cloth similar to the flag. But it does not have, for example, a 2:3 format, viz. Flag of Ukraine - Wikipedia (
I don't like it there. I'd rather the horror go away. But it is only there at the discretion of the owner/operator. And nothing can be done about it. Any removal against the will of the owner/operator is punishable.

Therefore, for example, our "fans" can paint/describe the Czech flag or roll it on the ground, because it is not a state symbol of the Czech Republic according to 3/1993 Coll. and thus the use of state symbols does not apply to it (352/2001 Coll., originally 68/1990 Coll.). It always has at least a different dimension than it should be.

That's just to the confusion where everyone calls it a flag when it's a rag at the level of a T-shirt.

Reply  Arwi
1 year ago

Let's name things honestly and straight. It is the NATIONAL theater. It is a disgrace to our culture and nation. In August 1968, Ukrainians in the ranks of the Soviet Army shot at the building of the National Museum, and today "their" flag hangs on it. And there is publicly available information on this, anyone who wants to can verify this claim for themselves.

Last edited 1 year ago by CZkotas
no one yet
no one yet
1 year ago

the blue-yellow ribbon is also the international symbol for Down syndrome day 🙂
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Last edited 1 year ago by no one yet
Reply  Jan Tománek
1 year ago
1 year ago

+ 11/03/2023 – Prague, Řeporyje! Video approx. 3 min.:
= there was another event on Saturday, which took place in the morning in Řeporyje. It was a little education for the locals.. Giving back to the pigs this way is a really good idea!

And in the meantime from the ODS political scumbags:
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1 year ago

You know, but it has two essential moments in it. The first is that our entire republic is controlled by a foreign power structure that uses our nation, our land, and our labor for its own purposes and for its own benefit. Of course, the behavior of politicians, the media, and even the police officers is based on this. And therefore it is not surprising at the state of our country, the economy, but also the relations between us. It is necessary to realize this, and to start deriving our concrete steps, actions and reactions from this. We are in thrall to SOMEONE ELSE!
The second moment stems from the first. Ukraine is in exactly the same situation as we are. She, too, is in full thrall to someone else, who uses her land, economy and people for his own purposes and for his own benefit. And it is our huge mistake to allow ourselves to be "tempted" into some aversion or even hatred towards Ukrainians. The target of the attack should not be any Ukrainian flag or Ukrainians, but those who are responsible for all this and who abuse us and rage against each other. Do you understand what I just wrote? Who are they who are wiping their asses with us? And who are pitting us against each other?

Reply  Jiri
1 year ago

To be exact, the government and both houses of parliament, Justice and 1TP2's police commando.

1 year ago

I didn't see the end, I was at Václavák until about 4:30 p.m., but I went through the whole thing, I wasn't there, and I met the group with the megaphone in different places, they were trying. The whole time that I saw, no one picked up on their provocation. They harassed, yelled at people, they didn't want them around, but no one scolded them, didn't send them elsewhere, there was no friction, although it could have been that way quite easily, because they harassed with the megaphone during the demonstration, non-stop. There were plainclothes cops among the people, but they left this group alone, strangely enough. Even though it was clear to me that someone would get caught out of that amount of people and either there would be a conflict between people, or later. It was not at the level of probability, but certainty. The cops were there, they knew about it, and they let it work. That was their job. And the result is bullshit
And the UA flags? Not even in Slovakia, nothing at all. Germany and Poland and nowhere like that the flags of Ukraine. That's the only place where the Nacs have a bed of roses. Remember which barracks it was posted on!

Last edited 1 year ago by Lynn
1 year ago

Well, I checked the recording of the demonstration, it can be seen and heard that it is already boiling inside the people and as we know that it will reach the boiling point on a gentler fire, so it takes a while. So I assume that this is the period shortly before it starts to sizzle out of the pot. Rakusan - the demonstration was just a cover for Russian provocation. I wonder how long the idiot can keep up with this. Rajchl did his job perfectly, I can't trust him at all as a person. In any case, he did a lot of important work, he definitely can't deny that. There is serious competition for Okamur here, and if Rajchl manages to force the government to resign through the pressure of the popular mass, then it is the end of the SPD.
I suppose, however, that the purple scavengers would rather cause bloodshed in the street than voluntarily give up all power.

1 year ago

A police officer is basically a robot. Maybe we didn't "expect" them to go with us? Perhaps someone expected from the fools in front of the museum that they would protect Czech citizens, I didn't. They protected their nation and the rag….but in that case they should return the paychecks to the tax payers.

Let someone teach me, police officers don't take an oath like soldiers to be loyal to the Czech Republic, to protect its citizens, etc., there is certainly not a word about the little ones and their rags:
"I promise on my honor and conscience that I will be impartial in the performance of my duties and will strictly comply with legal and service regulations, fulfill the orders of my superiors, and will never abuse my official position. I will always and everywhere behave in such a way that my actions do not endanger the good reputation of the Security Corps. I will fulfill my official duties properly and conscientiously, and I will not hesitate to risk my own life to protect the interests of the Czech Republic."

And regarding Rajchlo, who wasn't there, watch for yourself from time 1h:26min:
"Is anyone here today because of Russia?" "Has anyone come here to support Vladimir Putin?"

Last edited 1 year ago by jiri
1 year ago

However, the crowd will soon sweep away these wild ones, I was at the demo on Saturday and there were tens of thousands of us there! Keep pouring into the fire and I'll also share this, you have to see it, 2min!

An example of how to lie, according to reports, it was as follows: "During Saturday's protest, pro-Russian demonstrators attacked not only the building of the National Museum and tried to tear down the Ukrainian flag. They also attacked a random Ukrainian woman
But you can see the reality in that video. In fact, it turned out that a Ukrainian got out of a luxury sports car and a Czech woman gave him a good beating!

Last edited 1 year ago by Bojka
1 year ago

Thanks for the info, I'll share it further

1 year ago


1 year ago

Influenza pLandemic effects from vaccines of 1918–1919 and 1929 big banks starting to collapse all over again! The shell game 101. See the shell/banks, watch them collapse, boom, in steps the FDIC/federal insurance for banks only now they provide CBDC, not US dollars and yours! Bingo, they win! All a part of the scam!

Reply  Anonym
1 year ago

The entire US banking system would have collapsed starting today if not for the FDIC jumping in and offering to rescue even non-insured depositors at SVB. The problem is that the FDIC only had slightly over $100 billion in funds to carry this out. In effect, the FDIC only has enough funds to cover about 1% of bank deposits in America.

The claim that the FDIC is bailing out depositors without using "taxpayer money" is a lie. What all this means is that the Treasury and Fed are going to have to print money to prop up failing banks

This is going to dilute the value of dollars and cause huge inflation increases across all the products you normally buy, such as groceries, housing, clothing, fuel and so on.

The total collapse of the dollar, the banking system. We've entered the chapter where the Fed prints money to bail out all the failed banks. This will cause #inflation and dollar devaluation – currency collapse. As the Fed raises interest rates even higher, more banks will fail

Controlled demolition of the banking sector. NWO continues

1 year ago

Another beautiful example of the degeneration of people in the ranks of the police.
Those who pay them forced toxic mRNA sajrites into their bodies just a few months ago, and they are still making fools of themselves on their orders. Someone must be having a good time.

Some film director should pick up on this and make a documentary about this for future generations. As a warning, what people are willing to do for money, what made fools they let themselves become and how far they are willing to go. And how to slowly participate in the destruction of yourself and your families.

Such a guy probably slept through some kind of EU regulation on the termination of vehicles. motor, driver's licenses in a mobile phone application, food from bugs and insects, digital currency, high prices of services and energy do not matter, so in the end they will certainly willingly accept the conspiracy chip in their body. What would they not do for their work for which they are duly rewarded.

I still hope that in some regions of the Czech Republic there are groups of soldiers and policemen who, when the going gets really tough, will turn against those who headlessly and bowing down represent in the mass media and in the Parliament of the Czech Republic those meaningless European liquidation regulations, which without exception they themselves rob them of the last vestiges of freedom. It's just that they still don't get it.

And that the group of policemen in that Prague are just the last remnants who have not yet understood how they are only "fed" for their own defeat with state salaries, and that every action will cause a strong reaction anyway. Just a matter of time.

Reply  Martin
1 year ago

Two videos show the same impact, but from 2 angles. It is much less likely that the police and soldiers will go against what I order them to do than they will go against their neighbors, friends, families. People are much more willing to kill and oppress unknown people who do them no harm than to confront those who do them harm. It is enough to look at history, ancient and recent. The Gaussian curve is much more inexorably true. Human stupidity is one of the few certainties in life.

1 year ago

And my opinion? That is why we all have to join the STRIKE AND BLOCKADE

Demonstrations that are allowed will ALWAYS use toad girls...
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"Since 1989, I really have never experienced such brutality of the police in their approach to people. The punches to the face and the disproportionality of the action was absolutely insane. I did not believe that I would see something like this again. The horror!”

Miroslav Ševčík

Reply  CZkotas
1 year ago

Someone has already found the face of the leader of the provoked intervention from here:
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And supposedly it is this one, the champion of Rakušan's heart - Colonel Matějček:
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+ from the net:
"Norwegian gas is better than Russian gas," they write out of desperation after the Hovinka scandal. Sure. What else can a devoutly pro-regime news website write, right? Although it costs about three times as much, because the Norwegians don't have enough of it and transport is complicated, and as a democratic bonus it will screw up your boiler, but don't take it. When you thereby got rid of the dependence on the supply of cheap gas from a bottomless source through established routes, which does not pollute the boiler with anything..

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There were demonstrably tens of thousands of people at Wenceslas Square. However, the press representatives across the media all unanimously stated "thousands", the Hovinkas, probably in the desire to win that secret race for the biggest media bag of poo, even boldly wrote "several thousand" with Bolshevik determination.

Last edited 1 year ago by CZkotas