Lies Wide Shut - A brilliant video of how the world works…

This AI generated video is flawless and quite funny until you realize that unfortunately it is exactly that… (Video is working if it can't play here just click on the image to play directly on YouTube) Like3

Other forms of censorship

Some time ago, I filmed a video on how censorship and shadowbanning work, for example, on YouTube, when the search engine deliberately does not find what is on YouTube. A lot of people object to this: "Facebook and YouTube are private companies and they can have any rules - start your own network...". Sure, if I forget…

How Česká spořitelna canceled Zdravé Fórum's account...

As part of the fact that I needed to quickly set up a transparent account for Zdravé fórum, in 2021 I did the heavenly stupidity for which I should be slapped, that I set up the account with Česká spořitelna, which was the closest to me... And even though at the time of setting up account, of course, everything you need...

Anyone who uses the word "disinformation" is a liar

I think things are starting to move… and this is a VERY important message in these times of chaos. Watch this one minute video that covers everything. It’s easy – ANYONE who uses the word “disinformation” is a liar! There is ONLY truth or lies. Like10


Animated image with bounce effect

Shameless intimidation by the court

Last October, I filed a lawsuit for the protection of personality against the lies that Forum24 has been spreading about me for a long time at the District Court for Prague 1 (judge JUDr. Dagmar Stamidisová - quite a nice account of her work...) (see older text). Yesterday, surely just coincidentally in the middle of the holidays, 40 days after the state-specified…

The Fall of Britain live…

Again, completely shameless informing of our (and the world's) public media about what is happening in Britain right now. A Rwandan immigrant (yes, he was already born in Britain... - so the media refers to him as a "forged Welshman") murdered children in a kindergarten and in some places, the soot was really blowing. Of course, this is not an isolated...

A feast of loathing, ruin, decadence and death

Yesterday I watched the opening of the Olympic Games in Paris and even now, as I write this, I am not well and have a very bad feeling... I would call the first part - the height of amateurism, bad taste and snobbery of the cécque amateur level for the district championship. Paris without people and spectators - empty waterfront and distressed ships……

A big interview for Rádio Universum

About everything that is happening around us and what my book Guide to the Rabbit Hole – 3 parts, uncensored with Martina Kociánová is about. Like8

EU Parliament Elections 2024 - own survey

Let's not be influenced by fake polls that have the sole purpose of manipulating your vote. A small poll from my and other bubbles... But we will see the final result at the weekend. Like98

AstraZeneca quietly withdrawn and ministry's life-threatening lies

They are all equally safe and effective... Vaccine manufacturer AstraZeneca has admitted that their vaccine can cause severe clotting and is withdrawing it from the market. Such an admission by the manufacturer is really VERY alarming, because in the legal circles of drug manufacturers, only one thing applies - hammer, hammer and hammer again, because every recall of a product…

Controlled population exchange in Europe

A very important and above all harshly true video. We can guess WHY this is happening, but the fact that it is already happening is in itself unmissable, but still most people do not want to believe it for some reason... Dutch lawyer Eva Vlaardingerbroek spoke this year in April at CPAC in Budapest,…

The Truth made by Czech TV

Yesterday, an article appeared on the ČT website about how "the Gulf Stream is very stable and its collapse is unlikely", which would not have been so strange if the same media had not published a completely opposite article a few months ago (last summer) “Ocean currents may collapse as early as…