The Fall of Britain live…


Again, completely shameless reporting by our (and the world's) public media about what is happening in Britain.
A Rwandan immigrant (yes, he was already born in Britain... - that's how the media refers to him as a "forged Welshman") murdered children in a kindergarten, and the soot was really blowing in some places. Of course, this is not an isolated incident and Britain has long been a barrel of gunpowder - in many cities the locals are already in the minority and the cities are literally occupied by Muslim migrants. Some places already have Muslim mayors, there are gangs on the streets, rape is the order of the day, people are afraid to go out at night...
And the police, instead of migrants for violence, basically prosecute only whites for "disinformation on the networks" and that's how people finally spoke up.
And the result? The police beat and arrest the natives, while they (literally) leave the chanting and shouting migrants with machetes alone. Exactly the same double standard as we have with UA.

Of course, the police do not intervene against crowds of migrants...

Meanwhile arresting pensioners for posting on social media… (gent says he needs medication – not interested)

And our mainstream media reports how the "extreme right" in England is radicalizing and setting fire to the streets...


Animated image with bounce effect

Even if our media doesn't show it, according to dozens of videos from Twitter, street fights and civil war are really raging in the UK.
Migrant gangs and against them the natives, who are called the "extreme right" - on which side are the media and the police, there is probably no need to write...

Apart from the murder of the children at the ballet school, the main detonator was how the British government solved the problem of "illegal migration".
As I read, ALL illegal migrants received a general pardon from the government, so they were suddenly declared "legal" and "asylum seekers" - thus the term "illegal migrant" ceased to exist for the media and the government... And the problem is solved on paper.

Table of the number of just REPORTED rapes... - a 5-fold increase during the last 10 years!

The situation is similar in Ireland

One funny situation from yesterday's news...
SkyNews once again lied live about "right-wing rioters" and as if on cue, a bunch of "doctors and engineers" came to introduce themselves...

Summary straight from the Czech Republic in London

A few more crazy images from London and Sheffield…

So the dust keg went off and the people took to the streets - the government got the people EXACTLY where it was planned.
He deploys the police, later the army, martial law, curfews and tightening of the screws, totalitarian surveillance and exceptional laws, but they will remain forever...
This is the way we are heading with the migration pact. The only "luck" of our country is that none of the "engineers and doctors" want to join us, but that can change at any time... The EU or our government can change it at any time...

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7 months ago

In fact, the migrants are mostly "theirs" from former colonies, how much evil has Britain done all over the world over the centuries..

7 months ago

There they fall into radical Islam, a fight has already broken out in Manchester between pro-pedophile and anti-pedophile Muslim demonstrators who clashed because of this. Chaos is spreading all over England because the police are trying to prevent left-wing Britons from attacking right-wing Britons and vice versa. Meanwhile, Muslim pedophile thugs are said to be unleashing hell.

LIVE ON TV – The report on right-wing radicals was unexpectedly interrupted:

So, as everywhere - GOVERNMENTS ARE YOUR ENEMY! It is the government to protest against. Not to solve right vs left .. and fight with each other because = ALL POLITICS IS JUST THEATER! Go for the government. First. ALWAYS!!

And then give the attackers hell until they come home to rape their own people = because, fear had already gripped Muslim communities across the UK on Monday as far-right riots and Islamophobic attacks spread to other cities, days after deadly stabbings in Southport falsely attributed to Muslims..

And, for example, wise Hungary does not want any hordes of illegal immigrants. White cowards only get what they deserve! Unfortunately. Give your country to satan's children and watch silently 🙁 "No balls, no future!"

Last edited 7 months ago by CZkotas