Very important and above all harshly true video.
we can guess WHY it's happening, but the fact that it's actually already happening is in itself unmissable, yet most people don't want to believe it for some reason...
Dutch lawyer Eva Vlaardingerbroek spoke at CPAC in Budapest this April, and spoke aloud the forbidden truth: “Great population exchange is no longer a “conspiracy theory” – but a crime and a reality that governments know about. White Europeans are being replaced in their own countries at an ever-accelerating rate and this will spell the end of our European civilization as we know it unless we change things quickly.”
And how do you think that in such cities and later entire countries, where there are more migrants than 50%, each vote will turn out and what will be the next direction of such countries? And if it doesn't happen in this generation, then in the next one, when their children are born, be sure of it...
(Thank you for the great translation of the video - Open your mind - David Formánek)
You will best support my work buys books,
if you don't read, you can and otherwise....
You can read about how the Holocaust was carried out in the Czech Republic in the chapters Holocaust Yesterday and Today and Socio-Economic Audit of the State Budget 2018 (at the end of the chapter, it is calculated how much the state spent in 2018 to ensure that in our families, i.e. families of working parents, did not give birth to one child!
I still have to add the title of the book: Economists think in black and white. Subtitle: A New Deal for the 21st Century. Your social economist.
+ The head of BlackRock stated at WEF that countries with declining populations will find it easier to replace people with machines:
A declining population will lead to a decrease in the resistance of the human population to the encroachment of machines, as there will be fewer and fewer people. The depopulation will only concern the white race in the first phase and is a direct threat to the concept of World Government of the House of Zion, because the white civilization has achieved the greatest development of civilization thanks to its superiority.
At the same time, it is interesting to observe that the depopulation applies practically only to the white race. Why is depopulation not applied to the Arabs, i.e. the Muslim population, but not to the Jews, i.e. Zionists and Israelis? Why isn't it applied to blacks and Asians as well?