Dr. Thomas Binder is an internist and cardiologist with 35 years of experience who studied in Zurich and also holds a doctorate in immunology and virology.
I highly recommend devoting 8 minutes of your life to his statement and summary of the entire covid scam and more importantly, his warning against the effects of mRNA vaccines, including recommendations for vaccinees.
Have you been vaccinated against covid?
You will best support my work buys books,
if you don't read, you can and otherwise....
Consider how many such people there will be and only a little will float to the surface-
Actress Paveleková committed assisted suicide at the age of 41
“The booster vaccine I received more than a year ago has totally destroyed my health, my body and my life. My body is too weak to fight the disease. I don't have enough strength anymore, that's why I decided to end my life in Switzerland," the actress said in her last post on the social network on June 1, saying that the disease had completely paralyzed her, making it impossible for her to continue working and leading a social life.
"I am not able to enjoy life at all. My breathing is getting harder and harder and painful too. My lung function continues to deteriorate. Thank you for your friendship and support over the past years.”
"There is no other way to end my suffering," she added.
I looked, and even today there are 4 people every day in the Czech Republic who, by now, have a completely useless experimental substance whipped up: https://ockovani.opendatalab.cz/statistiky_ockovani
Even if it had some dubious meaning before - which I don't think so - today the substance does not help anything, even according to the official narrative.
It doesn't even occur to them, for example, that the flu does not cause blood clots. They are passing it off as a covid hoax.
This occurs when mRNA vaccines enter the human bloodstream (Richard M Fleming, PhD, MD, JD):https://t.co/Kv5l2VYmGr
I'll copy the most important here:
In each of the seven subjects, when the Pfizer vaccine was added to the blood of patients on separate microscope slides without adding
confusing chemicals or mixing that would worsen and induce blood
clotting (clumping) has occurred in areas of blood where genetics have been added
vaccine, to a loss of red color, indicating the dissociation of oxygen from the hemoglobin molecules in the red blood cells. Blood clotting and clumping were also noted in these discolored blood cells. This inflammatory thrombotic effect associated with the loss of color suggests a potential priogenic effect of hemoglobin caused by either LNP or genetic material (mRNA) in the vaccines. Further discussion in an upcoming medical publication.
= More proven facts about the INTENTIONAL effects of these bogus “vaccines”!
+ Second important info:
Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen have no record of testing for this side effect, at least partially
explained why more than 1.5 million citizens The US has reported adverse events and more than 33,000 deaths have been linked to the use of these vaccines. That's more deaths than the US military has suffered in all the wars, which we participated in..
They lied all along, now the devil is taking his toll.. PFIZER demo "live", 1 min 🙂
Each inoculated will make this gesture before his death:
Every vaccinated person who dies like this makes the same gesture and gives a terribly frightened look from behind at something invisible that is carrying him away. It can be seen in a lot of videos. They always turn around and are horrified by something. They will subsequently die. Does it have to do with optogenetics or is there something even more diabolical behind it?!
+ off topic, What events can a child participate in without confirmation of proper vaccination?
I've seen similar turns on various videos before, but I'd rather say that it's a blockage of some cerebral arteries - just like in a stroke, 1/2 of the body is often paralyzed... but it's hard to say...
It would make sense. I will add that even with a heart attack (etc.) - when I searched for some video recordings on the Internet (from cameras, etc.), I did not see anything like that and on such a large scale as with fake covid vaccines.
I've been fascinated by the silence for the last few days.. When (to them) covid disappeared completely and everyone everywhere is silent and pretends that nothing happened, nothing is the matter, everything is fine..And in the meantime, the silence... They are already starting to test universal mRNA "flu" vaccines for annual "gene editing" rituals.
WHO recently put an end to the Covid-19 Hoax, the biggest lie of all, in the world. The World Health Organization declares that MrLthe epidemic is over, and claims that covid-19 has killed an estimated 20 million people. They might as well have claimed he killed 200 million or 2 billion.
Anyone who claims that 20 million people have died from covid-19 is a fool and a misinformer who is trying to make the world's worst medical fraud into a historical reality.
I will add something to this private fascist organization, pthey are planning to introduce a global digital health certificate! And best of all, the introduction of a digital health certificate is among the 307 changes to the International Health Regulations proposed by 94 member states of the corrupt Jewish WHO! Launch of the Global Certification Network for Digital Health (digitization of everything).
This will be another business opportunity sir, the business of emergency medical countermeasures, which means the very "diagnostics, vaccines, therapies, drugs.."
For me, this way: It only works if people allow it. If you don't allow it and comply, they can't carry out this psychopathic plan. If you are one of those who bend, you will only be slaves as you are now because you follow it.

So maybe this will only happen in their reality, not mine (ours)!!
+ Concluding thoughts:
"Biden's Food and Drug Administration has now authorized the raising of dangerous mRNA-engineered pigs (the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized the consumption of genetically engineered pigs for use in German sausages."
They want to ban meat, but not this meat. For some reason. Gene editing, which consists AGAIN in making changes in the DNA of the organism, as in fake co*covid “vaccines”!
In terms of health, glycine shows highly positive results in the latest studies in terms of effects on a number of cellular and bodily functions and longevity.
Since I couldn't find anything up-to-date in Czech - how else could I - I made the topic relatively brief and perhaps comprehensible.
Alternatively, spread it, because similar to vitamin D3 and C, glycine, especially in combination with NAC and collagen, would significantly contribute to the reduction of a number of civilizational diseases and the health of the population and significantly spoil the dirty deals of the BigPharma complex.
We have been using GLYCIN for the third year, actually a while after the co*covid podovod, we buy here, directly from the manufacturer, directly from the factory it goes straight to you, without gmo, chemistry.. etc.:
We also buy 1kg packs there, + other amino acids: MSM+TAURINE + LYSINE, but of the proteins they have there, the soy one is excellent. The muscles do not hurt from/after it, it regenerates quickly. If you want a clean, chemical-free product, I definitely recommend it. I prepare it at home together with a spoonful of granka and caro 🙂
But I'll go back to amino acids, taurine is for almost everything, I wrote about all of them more than once a year ago...
There are more factors why it works and everything about Glycine, as well as using it in conjunction with other preparations, etc., etc.
E.g. MSM and Vitamin C Detox -| 2 MONTHS |- Review
And about GLYCINE, it's good to drink it in the evening or before going to bed. He sleeps well after it (it raises the beneficial glutathione as well). And also if someone has problems sleeping, I recommend it. It helps to fall asleep and sleep well 🙂
I don't want to advertise, but I know the 4fitness eshop and have been shopping for about five years.
Pure Czech quality. Low prices. Cheap shipping..
763 "celebrities" died .. after the "vaccine" "just" another video, of which there will be more:https://www.kla.tv/index.php?a=showlanguage&lang=cz&id=25859&date=2023-04-22

..at the age of 58, hockey player Petr Klíma, who played for the Czech Republic in the annual CR-SK match on the occasion of the 25th celebration of Nagano, died unexpectedly this February. And as usual - nothing is related to anything..
+Check out the thermographic image from Greg Reese's blog (taken from an older report by Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcei), which shows how the blood clots of a vaccinated 23-year-old athlete, asymptomatic, without symptoms yet...:
The celebrities above in the video are just the tip of the iceberg with reports of "unexpected" deaths, because something is always written about them.
The vast majority are really stung by that crap, many repeatedly, their ego won't allow them to admit their mistake, they push this possibility somewhere into their subconscious.
We can write to them as much as we like, but they obviously just don't have a conscience.
Such are the many published statements by doctors about the danger of mRNA on covid the current government is "back".
This is evidenced by the new comment about the sick brain of the current Minister of Health V. Válek.
Whether Vlastimil Válek is doing this because of his ministerial salary and regular envelopes from Pfizer, or if someone is "holding a gun" to his skull, we will probably never know.
The reason why he continues the genocide of the Czech nation is known only to those closest to him. In any case, such comments will hopefully eventually "wake up" the remaining people as well, and assure them of knowing who is the real enemy of the people here in the Czech Republic and the obedient executor of the pharmaceutical globalist mafia.
Unfortunately, the human monster will remain a monster until the end of his life's journey.
Good day. The doctor is not from Zurich, correct yourself. Praxis has a practice in Wettingen in the canton of Aargau.
Yes, they arrested him at the beginning of covid because he said it was a scam and put him in a psychiatric hospital. He won the courts, of course.
In Switzerland, about 9,000 doctors, scientists, and lawyers stood up against the government and began to work their way - many of them are not even publicly named because they are very well-known people who work privately but also against the government. Of course, according to the FLCCC, they also started treatment with Ivermectin. What Czechs are afraid of and Slovaks and Swiss are not :-). The organization is called Aletheia. Among them is one of the best lawyers in the country - he filed his 300th lawsuit last June.
Fuck the covid scam!!! You are criminals, you participated in forced vaccinations and killed people! Ask your conscience! Finally tell the truth!
You are writing to the wrong people, we know it - write this to the Government Office, the Ministry of Health and to people like Hel, Chlíbek, Lily of the Valley, Válek, Flegr, Hořejší, Maġar, Prymula...
Everyone who has aggressively lobbied for a co*covid “vaccination” has ALWAYS been funded by PFIZER itself! That's why there was so much pressure on "vaccination". ALWAYS look for money behind everything. They were also in the murderous business anyway hospitals, aka the deadly “covid protocol”, falsifying tests (cycle counts, all based on fake science, etc.). Even the American Academy of Pediatrics collected millions of dollars from Pfizer... Why should it be any different in the Czech Republic?
And anyway, all pharmaceutical companies spend a very large portion of their budgets on marketing, including to various healthcare organizations and third parties, and they do it because they get a return on that investment. Every vaccine available for anything you can think of is a scam. Anything heavily promoted (fluorine..), it's always the other way around, than claimed. Just remember this lesson.
This is exactly what lying and fake science has taught me in the last three and a half years.
It was recently revealed that Canadian doctors were not allowed to report serious injuries caused by co*covid “vaccines” because they were ordered to do so by the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF)..:
"We have a doctor, who gave sworn testimony that were told not to report vaccine injuries, or if they asked how [to announce it], they were told, 'just shut up,'" Christensen revealed at a National Citizen Inquiry (NCI) hearing on April 26, 2023 in Red Deer, Alberta.
And in the meantime, Apple and Google have teamed up to better track your movement and give you more “security. As part of their business models, they are constantly tracking user data, teamed up…
"Those who give up basic freedom to buy a little temporary security deserve neither freedom nor security." ~Benjamin Franklin