This time I'll take over great text colleagues and friends from SMIS – RNDr. Tomáš Fürst, Ph.D. and MD Vladimír Čižek.
Here it is ten relatively serious problems and risks with mRNA vaccines, which are actually not vaccines at all and where I think everyone should VERY draw attention
They decided to ban mRNA vaccines in Idaho. Southwest District Health Department Board - something like a district health board - she decided, that mRNA vaccines will not be available at all in six Idaho counties. After Florida it is the second such effort in the United States.
Maybe it's a good time to summarize in one short document the main reasons why experimental gene technology (forced on people under the confusing name of "vaccine") could cause a whole host of health problems. At the end of the text, you will find a list of sources and links from which we have drawn during the preparation of this text.
- Toxicity of lipid nanoparticles. The lipid nanoparticles themselves, which carry the cargo of mRNA (and many other things, see below) inside, are toxic and can penetrate all body membranes. They were designed to enter any cell without problems. They don't need a receptor, they just fuse with the cell membrane. They can enter cells in the heart, brain, liver, kidney, ovary, placenta, etc. It is likely that some of the adverse effects of mRNA vaccines are due to the toxicity of the lipid nanoparticles themselves.
- In real vaccines, some well-defined amount of antigen is injected into the body, which can only decrease after application. But in the case of mRNA technology, some amount is applied instructions for antigen production. An unknown number of cells in unknown tissues for an uncontrolled period of time based on an instruction in mRNA produces uncontrolled amount of (toxic) spike protein. The amount of spike protein produced in this way can vary by many orders of magnitude between individuals - we don't know much about this because no one is testing to be sure. In other words, Marie bakes 5 rolls according to the recipe, but Bozena bakes 5 thousand rolls according to the same recipe. How would you react if the doctor said to you: "Go buy these pills and take one a day or a thousand a day, it doesn't matter". It is hard to imagine that this would have no effect.
- Irritation of autoimmunity bare feet. The above-mentioned cookbook is delivered inside the cells, and the spike proteins baked according to it are exposed on the cell membrane like buns on a shop. The immune system recognizes them and destroys such cells. On the one hand, it can be a problem if such cells are destroyed by the immune system in the tissues where they will then be missing (heart, brain, kidneys, liver, ...). But the bigger problem can be when the immune system understands that the real problem is your own somatic cells because they produce a toxic spike protein. Then the immunity starts to fight against your own body and the result can be a whole range of autoimmune diseases.
- Spike protein toxicity. The spike protein itself is toxic and many of the ill effects of covid-19 (especially related to blood clotting) are caused by it. After a genetic "vaccine", much more spike protein can be produced in the body (for a much longer period of time) than during disease. In addition, the spike protein from the "vaccine" is modified so that it lasts longer in the body.
- Frame shifting. Sometimes it happens that the cookbook does not arrive in the cell undamaged, but only a few crumpled pages arrive. According to such fragments of the cookbook, the cell then produces completely meaningless proteins that can do various mischief in different tissues. Bioinformaticians will certainly play with what can theoretically be produced from fragments of the mRNA that originally encoded the spike. Let's bet that even snake venom can be found among those possibilities.
- Endotoxin contamination. Cookbooks need to be printed somewhere, and this is done by forcing the bacteria Escherichia coli, to make them for you. But the bacteria must be removed from the resulting pile of cookbooks. According to that, as far as we know, neither Pfizer nor Moderna are doing very well, and their mRNA products are contaminated with remnants of the cell membranes of these bacteria. These residues contain lipopolysaccharides, or endotoxins, and – as the name suggests – are not really healthy. Moreover, lipid nanoparticles stretch them directly in cells where they definitely have nothing to do.
- Plasmid DNA contamination. And here we are already in the field of fellow Frankenstein. Those poor bacteria that produce mRNA have their own DNA in addition to their cell membrane. Remnants of this DNA unfortunately end up in "vaccines" got too, and this is potentially a much bigger problem than endotoxins. DNA is a stable molecule (life on our planet is based on this fact) and if you deliver it directly to the cell by express command, it can reach the nucleus and integrate into your DNA there. What will happen next, no one knows, but it is not out of the question that it will lead to cancers, possibly cancers with strange properties that doctors have not had much experience with. There is no place to discuss the SV40 promoter here, but its presence in the "vaccine" does not inspire much confidence. If by chance this plasmid DNA were to integrate into the DNA sexual cells (which is definitely not excluded), these problems will be hereditary.
- Reverse transcription. In addition, it is known that even mRNA can enter the nucleus and be permanently written into the genome by means of a process called reverse transcription. Whether and to what extent this process occurs in the case of mRNA "vaccines" is not known, because no one is investigating to be sure.
- Immuno-tolerance. Repeated application of the mRNA "vaccine" was found to lead to the production of a special subcategory of antibodies, the so-called IgG4 antibodies. This is the class that very roughly says to your immune system, "Calm down, we still have this here, it's not a problem". In other words, it induces tolerance to this immune stimulus. This may not be a good idea at all in the case of a toxic spike protein. When the real virus comes along (not just its cut-up bits), the immune system won't see it as enough of a problem and will relax. This can lead to chronic diseases that would look exactly the same as long covid.
- In addition to a lipid nanoparticle-packaged cookbook and a lot of crap (see above), mRNA products also contain many different adjuvant. These are substances designed to make the immune system even notice that someone is walking. These substances alone can cause many different problems in many tissues. Those interested in the details will look PULL.
Did we forget something? How is it possible that products with so many potential pathways to serious complications have been smoothly "waved off" by regulators and applied to billions of people without trying to figure out which of the above mechanisms poses which major problem?
It was quite important wrong label. The word "vaccine" confused the public and doctors, who believed that this product was just another vaccine in the series that everyone knows from childhood. This distortion of language allowed the regulatory authorities not to require the products to undergo many different tests (genotoxicity, teratogenicity, ...) that they would have to require if they correctly labeled the product as gene technology. how are we they wrote a long time ago, the CDC even had to hastily change the definition of the vaccine because of it.
The first step on the way out of the covid obludarium is to start calling a spade a spade.
You can find the list here on the original article many sources and links that substantiate the above points and provide many other details. Under point 10, there are several other items that also belong on the list and it is good to have them all in one place.
EDIT 11/27/2024
fine, according to the article, the medical chamber and SÚKL are already investigating the case, but of course not to find out if it is "accidentally" not true, but to take the doctor down and discredit him!
But people can't be helped - it's their health - their lives...
Other important articles and videos:
"Safe and effective" - cardio problems and clots
Important doctor's statement about mRNA vaccines
You will best support my work buys books,
if you don't read, you can and otherwise....
MRNA “vaccines” have a fundamental problem. A mixture of different chains is created, in which, while maintaining precisely given reaction conditions (temperature, reaction time, etc.), we can maximize the frequency of the desired component. Not to exclude the completely unwanted... It's called trace amounts... The mixture already sounds worse. In addition, an atomic level product is created, which is difficult to see. Leaving aside the law of profit and the possible disposal of scraps by dilution
29/11/2024, an "update" of the article published on
In short: The lay public mostly disagrees with the views of MUDr. Henzl identifies and even people send the editor their experiences after vaccination. Because of this, the "expert authorities" from CLK continue to deny these messages and statements and therefore claim that the reservations about vaccines are untruths and nonsense based on ignoring scientific knowledge. Ba ba, whose bread you eat, sing his song. The sad thing is that even in 2024, it still doesn't happen to many.
Believe in authority and your belief in them will eventually cripple and kill you.
When you read the sentences above about mRNA obludarium and then the latest article about MUDr. To Henzl, who published a leaflet in the waiting room of his doctor's office warning of the danger of health damage after "mRNA vaccination" and is said to be "investigated" by CLK and dení, this news - his announcement - was misinformation even in 2024, so I think that the imaginary Pharmaceutical Hydra and their henchmen will not give up so easily and for the scams that bring them not only huge profits, they will doing anything just to keep it going as long as possible.
Note that despite countless evidences of the harmfulness of mRNA against Covid, the ČLK and MZČR continue to recommend it to children as well. In the mainstream, almost no articles about the treatment of diseases, but only about vaccinations.
So the frequent neurological damage, heart complications and more frequent deaths even in younger people are probably due to what? Did those people eat something bad or breathe polluted air? After all, this is such a glaring connection that cannot be overlooked, and only a psychopath and a criminal who has been lavishly paid for it can really defend mRNA vaccines.
We have all been lied to in almost everything, everything that is considered so called. misinformation, is actually true. As it is with the face. mask when you just can't breathe properly, there is a lot of scientific evidence (we're talking over 150 studies already) that confirms the many BAD health consequences that come from regularly wearing these advertised face cloths.. And when millions of people are now mentally and physically DISABLED, suffer from brain fog, disease and immune system disorders.
Not only the mRNA injections themselves, but also the masks and closures did their job!
Even those 4 years some idiots STILL wear face diapers 24/7/365 = we still see it today, it's madness upon madness. These people have never read the REAL science about the dangers of wearing these masks all the time.. E.g. A lack of oxygen, also known as hypoxia, can set in slowly over time, leading to many dire health consequences that even cause mRNA smut!
Then comes brain fog, anxiety, memory loss, bacterial infections, reduced cognition, and eventually cancer and respiratory acidosis. Eventually, the body's reduced defenses will show, making you MORE susceptible to the very thing you were hoping to avoid - infectious diseases. Oops. What irony. CO2 literally acts as an asphyxiant, displacing oxygen from the air.
Do you feel shortness of breath and rapid heart rate? This could be the effects of the mask and mRNA injections! Again comes the rapid breathing and restless coughing and wheezing. You may feel dizzy and need to sit down. As the saying goes = “take a break and take off your mask for a while”. Oxygen Deprivation Mask Syndrome (ODMS) kicks into high gear after four years and all FORMER mask wearers are suffering greatly…
The hype surrounding this pandemic has been misplaced, and the entire flu hoax has turned out to be fear-based propaganda designed to control the masses and kill several million people. It worked.
By 2021, research has revealed that long-term mask use causes up to 20% of oxygen loss, leading to hypoxia and hypercapnia.
Children's brains were affected, especially during the period of development. Fetal and embryonic development was decimated from pregnant mothers who wore face diapers all day, putting them at high risk of developing ODMS.
And a candy at the end:
Wait until these covid idiots* find out that all the masks have been sterilized with EO (Ethylene Oxide): "Chronic exposure is associated with cancer, reproductive effects, mutagenic changes, neurotoxicity and sensitization."
= Let's not forget the nano-sized plastics that all mask wearers now have in their lungs. Turbo cancer?!
+ Attorney Todd Calendar said that according to government patents, the vaccine delivers prions and plasmid DNA that reside in the gut and are activated by certain 5G frequencies. They can turn the "pandemic" on or off at will. Read the new book by Dr. Ardis "Moving Beyond the Covid-19 Lies" which is already sold out on Amazon..
This book addresses many of the lingering symptoms and illnesses that have ravaged us in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. It provides proven research into causes and useful information about treatment. There have been many imitations of this book since it was published, but this book is real and it has the answers.
+ In 2021, while breaking the school record, a high school girl collapsed in the 800 meters as she approached the finish line. Authorities have made athletes wear Covid masks during competitions. The girl went into complete oxygen debt from re-breathing her own carbon dioxide.
And how many of these cases have already happened, hundreds? Thousand?
And I have some intuition,, from the first day I felt that something was wrong here,,,, I didn't wear a mask at all, only to the store, because there was heavy buzzing and threats of fines... otherwise, not by chance... and I haven't had a single test or a single vaccination …. I'm glad for that and I'm sorry for all the "sheep" who got scared and listened... and even spat at us... one must never listen stupidly!
Don't listen stupidly, I agree. By the way, they weren't sheep, they were idiots with no sense. It is the same with "their" other propaganda: global warming - if it is real, why, for example, it gets even colder in the coldest regions of the world?! E.g. Antarctica has not warmed in 70 years, and temperatures in Greenland have only been falling in recent years, not rising, as "they" claim.
(related: Earlier this year, a professor of climatology named Bill McGuire tweeted that he believed "culling" the human population was the only way to prevent climate collapse).
= But that's just Greenland, some people think about this research. I will add that similar data were also obtained from Antarctica. The climate is constantly fluctuating and it's actually a completely normal natural world.
The Thai mathematicians found "no evidence of warming above the ice-free and ice-covered areas" in Greenland, except for very small variations that are likely more statistical error than anything else. The same is true for Antarctica, which means there is no global warming.
And a similar scenario is playing out in the equatorial region of the world, where the temperature is also cooling rather than warming.
Hello and I'm adding a question - Can the vaccine cause a sudden significant deterioration of memory? My sister has had three doses of Pfizer and about 2-3 years after the third dose she started having strange short term memory problems. The sister is now 55 years old.
I have no idea, but when I read where it affects everywhere and when I see the frequent reactions and complete changes in thinking of even previously reasonable and normal people, I wouldn't be surprised at all...
Check out this text - there's a link to 1000's of side effect studies sorted by category and quite a few that are brain related.
So my sister-in-law has the same problem, she has major memory lapses after the third dose and I would say it started almost immediately after this dose. We don't visit her anymore because the excretions are going full blast and we don't need to cause ourselves health problems, my husband and I both have sore eyes, they hurt like someone put sand in there, when we left we had to take wormwood to make it stop
The American microbiologist Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi on on 22/12/2023. Perfect video, clearly explained how the genome and "DNA library" work and what mRNA does against "covid" in the human body.