"Safe and effective" - cardio problems and clots


It is far from just deaths, which are increasingly becoming mainstream - it is about thousands of people with more or less serious health problems after the covid vaccination, which the system is not interested in.
Also, how could the system care when vaccinations are "safe and effective" so of course these problems officially DO NOT EXIST.

A great and at the same time very moderate talk with Dr. Gandalovičová (cardiologist) and in addition a video about the huge protein clots that have been talked about for a long time. I think that even a complete layman understands why and what it must do in the blood vessels. It really swells in society a huge and unfathomable problem, but pssst, of course it's just a conspiracy…

Another shocking video from British embalmers and changes to the counting of excess death statistics

Here is a link to 1000's of REVIEWED articles (English original) divided into 118 diagnoses about what specific vaccine side effects they have + another video.

Here is the text about 26% increase in youth mortality in the USA - data from insurance companies and other links. (article)

Series of previous texts "Unrelated"


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10 months ago

+ After years of ignoring the serious safety signals for "Covid-19 vaccines," the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) finally commissioned a safety study to take a closer look at two serious side effects that affect young children and teens: heart inflammation and seizures. In a large cohort study involving more than 4 million vaccinated children, the FDA found an increase in seizures in children aged 2 to 5 years. The agency also found an increase in inflammation of the myocardium and pericardium in children aged 12 to 17…..

Continued here: https://forum.zdraveforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=32&p=884#p884

11 months ago

"Which phytonutrients or phytochemicals can block the spike protein associated with SARS-CoV-2?"

11 months ago

A number of people currently suffer like animals from the so-called "long covid", they are simply completely excluded from their former life, see for example this article and the discussion from people there:


What is shocking in these cases is the silence about vaccination and its effect on long covid, simply this very basic parameter is not monitored and analyzed at all, and any mention of this topic in the public space is simply taboo in this case! Actually, it's not that shocking - considering the wax business that flourished here in the past years, how many "experts" have profited from it and built their careers on it, and how many people are so dishonest with themselves that they refuse to admit how stupid they were, when these years the experts tricked them and potentially destroyed their health. Like this gentleman in the discussion below the article:

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Some time ago I had a discussion with a younger guy, a businessman, a very high intellect, but also just a know-it-all. 2x covid, 3x opich, ruined health, he's a wreck, he can't work for a long time, he's just looking for doctors or resting. When he gets some strength, he looks for information and analyzes sources. However, he has a kind of block with vaccines, so he already admits today that they can cause some problems "in exceptional cases", but his view is far from objective. Well, recently I heard him say – my immunity is fucked up, I catch everything, I need a good vaccine, safer, Pfizer would rather not... well, this is probably the final one. This type of people was quite aptly summarized by one discussant in the discussion under the article:
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It's not that the information and data are not available, for example there is already a link to 1000 peer-reviewed studies and articles on the craziness caused by vaccines. Those who are to blame for this crap, but together they keep their mouth shut. They know that if someone really messes with it, it means not only the end of their career.

In our country, mainly people around the association of microbiologists, immunologists and statisticians (SMIS, https://smis-lab.cz/ ), who started with it already during covid. Unfortunately, it's a tough fight with the windmills, the rabbit hole of various Blatny, Válk, Prymul, Vojtěch, Hořeších, Hel, Hungarian, Chlíbk and others seems to be endless...

But we must not wave our hands and forget the crimes of covidism, we must come to terms with the past fairly, otherwise we will carry the stigma further and in the next vaccination hype we will risk repeating the past in an even more drastic form.
People want people, they will have people, that's why they also choose a proven leader...

Last edited 11 months ago by spring
Reply  spring
11 months ago

I don't go to shit*comets and I ignore them all. But I opened the discussion just for info, and yes, every third person writes there and publicly about how saving fuckcins actually destroyed his health.
But it still doesn't solve anything, because they still believe in fraudulent tests, fake plandemics and stuff like "I've been vaccinated x times and I've had covid x times" they're just still idiots. There's just not much going on. They only understand the tip of the iceberg. For them, it is still the time of "when was covid" etc., until they understand it, nothing will happen.

Last edited 11 months ago by CZkotas
11 months ago

I don't know if you know this, but Pope Francis currently continues to promote these demonstrably dangerous vaccines and has made it clear from the very beginning that he is a coward who bows to every propaganda directive and at the height of propaganda he pushed for lockdowns, mandates, restrictions on social distancing and finally vaccinations passports.
His fervent belief in this vaccine savior was so strong that he closed church services, threatened the rights of individuals and demanded conformity to this newly discovered religion.

To this day, visitors to the Vatican Museums, the Vatican Gardens, the Papal Villas and the Apostolic Palace in Castel Gandolfo must present themselves with a green card when entering, i.e. a digital eyelet certificate that verifies that the person in question is fully vaccinated and also has booster vaccinations. Those who do not present a green card must undergo a /fraudulent/ covid-19 PCR test to verify that they are negative for covid-19..
In addition, Francis still requires FFP2 and N95 masks in all enclosed spaces on Vatican territory and does not allow religious exemptions from vaccinations or masks!

I'm Catholic, but I don't recognize a Communist as Pope. You cannot be a communist and a Christian!!

11 months ago

With this, let the people who jumped on it and get it for a few.... use of vaccines increased deaths..
as he spins, the bastard runs into his shoes..
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Last edited 11 months ago by -PCH-
Reply  -PCH-
11 months ago

I admit that I don't know the idiots (all of them) as well as the greedy women. I ignore the MSM as well as political shit. It's zero for me. I only needed the first few seconds of him (like all bribed shit*) chattering :VS: what is he claiming (probably?) now. The motherfucker saves her life and leaves the titanic, i.e. the "official narrative" and says only what we all here have known for a long time and what we have been pointing out from the beginning.. A sold son of a bitch and a parasite. Nothing else!!
PS: which other of those shits will follow him when the curtain falls..

11 months ago

Initially, turbo cancer only occurs in the vaccinated, I have three friends/acquaintances in my wider circle of NON-vaccinated who died of fairly sudden cancer! I wouldn't classify all of them as turbos, maybe one was definitely a problem with questionable GP care. There is increasing evidence from live blood cell analysis that now unvaccinated blood shows similar inclusions or questionable blood profiles that were originally seen only in vaccinated. The shedding of COVID by vaccination passes from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated, afflicting the latter with some of the same diseases as the former, even though they have never had a single injection. It is almost everywhere around us. People who have been vaccinated certainly have a higher concentration of Sprotein because apparently there is no mechanism for the body to stop producing it, but too many people who have not been vaccinated are also dealing with significant health problems.

Pathologist Ivana Pavić (Croatia) revealed that vaccination increases the risk of cancer by 52%. S Kirsch had an interview with Pavic about it, which you can watch below:https://rumble.com/v4hfvww-pathologist-ivana-pavic-croatia-reveals-vax-increased-your-cancer-risk-by-5.html

Does excretion of the vaccine cause the development of turbo cancer in unvaccinated persons as well?

1 year ago

+ Tucker Carlson in conversation with Steve Kirsch. Carlson shocked by the answer.. 17 million deaths (approx. 10 min video):


1 year ago

If they inserted some gel chips into the brain during the testing, maybe that's why people walked like sheep. I heard this theory on SV, but I don't really believe it. Rather, a lot of people refused to let their noses be scratched, so they preferred to get the vaccine.

1 year ago

+ Do you remember how I (not only) reported here that Canada offers patients (and recently also children) assisted suicide?
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Thus, a 37-year-old mother from Ontario, Canada, was left paralyzed after being "strengthened" by an injection against co*covid. And the only solution the doctors offer her is euthanasia...:
Kayla Pollock, who is completely paralyzed from the neck down, says her life has become "hell" after taking a booster shot. Doctors are reportedly trying to "make it up," referring to Pollock's paralyzed condition, by ending her life through Canada's Medical Assisted Dying (MAiD) program…

…Paralysis to stay “safe” from COVID…..at the time Pollock decided to get boosted, politicians, public health officials and the media were spreading fear about the dangers of the latest "variants" and "subvariants" of the virus. They urged everyone to rush to the nearest medical clinic for the injection
Pollock also recalls that special emphasis was placed on ensuring that those who are most at risk of "catching covid" get strengthened as soon as possible...
Pollock recalls that upon arriving at the vaccination site, she felt an instinct that something was wrong. She ignored this feeling and still underwent the injection on January 11, 2022.
= Unfortunately for me, absolutely no pity for this stupid woman.
THREE injections? Not one, not two, but three? And she felt something was wrong..

If euthanasia for all is passed in France (and Canada), it will no longer be allowed to refuse to kill a person/child, aka euthanasia.

Last edited 1 year ago by CZkotas
1 year ago

I know a few people who are on the alternative today and understand everything. Specifically, for example, one well-known, young year old has constant health problems of this type, but otherwise he is completely settled in his head, it just dawned on him a few seconds late. If we had known each other then, I would have warned him. 5 minutes would have been enough for me, but unfortunately we didn't know each other then.

Reply  Jan Tománek
1 year ago

Yes, he will probably be one of the few, the rest I know denies it, only he publicly admitted this possibility

no one yet
no one yet
1 year ago

I would be interested in your opinion on the current - First data from Slovakia: Vaccination against covid reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. So - "vaccines" are - according to Denník N - "Dolinka's" yummy for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases - yes?!
"Vaccination against covid has reduced the risk of diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases in Slovakia. This is according to an analysis prepared by analysts of the Institute of Health Analysis (IZA) at the Ministry of Health. It was published this week. "According to our information, this is the first study of this kind on Slovak data," Veronika Rybanská from the analytical team of the Institute of Health Analysis told Denník N. "At the institute, we have been dealing with the topic of covid since the beginning of the pandemic, and we have been looking at various connections through data for a long time. We had the data ready, but this particular study was born because of the ongoing discussion about the connection between covid vaccination and cardiovascular diseases," added the analyst. The release of the analysis coincides with the publication of another study from the journal Vaccine, which suggests that vaccination against covid - in the general population - protects against inflammation of the heart (myocarditis) or inflammation of the lining of the heart muscle (pericarditis). The reason is that unvaccinated people who overcome covid have a higher risk of more serious manifestations of the disease, including cardiovascular complications.

1 year ago

"Don't try to wake up those who don't want to wake up. Not only is it a futile effort, but it also wastes time and energy.”
It is also necessary to constantly repeat the fact that 2/3 of the population is affected by irreversible debility: https://antivirus.22web.org/av/220413-dva-druhy-debility-proc-se-jinak-inteligentni-lidi-casto-chovaji-jako-totalni-idioti.htm?i=1
"These people do not lack the ability to think. They just don't use it, or use it only in certain cases. It is rather an unwillingness to think. It can also be seen as mental laziness. But there is a specific reason for this, and that is blind faith in authority. At the same time, everyone partially chooses these authorities according to their own preferences, so while they blindly believe some, they don't say a word to others, even if they are right a hundred times. In general, however, it manifests itself mainly as a belief in "official" authorities, i.e. politicians, the media, and anyone whom these two groups push to people.
Authoritarian debilitation is one of humanity's greatest tragedies."

Reply  LynnN
11 months ago

very apt, it's not about awakening them, they are servants of evil and they like it. In other words, don't try to teach a pig to sing, you're wasting your time and screwing up the pig.

Last edited 11 months ago by palaidor
1 year ago

Thanks for the additional information, for not being afraid to speak up

Reply  Victoria
1 year ago

I've been struggling with it since the very beginning, I don't know many people like Mr. Tománek.

I've already lost three jobs because of it when I said (and still say) NO.
I protected myself and my family, my loved ones, I couldn't do more.

I try to inform on "our free alternative scene".
Because our real power lies only in information!
There are millions of us!! And that's the only thing THEY fear - THE TRUTH...

Ntrust the government INavoid mass media Bprotect against lies!!!

1 year ago

Thank you. I will share a new finding here - Full Transcript (in English):
Sherri Tenpenny Reveals 20 Mechanisms of 'Covid Vaccine' Damage

"..In a recent interview with Mike Adams at Brighteon.com, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny spoke about her extensive research into the dangers of Covid-19 vaccines and highlighted 40 mechanisms of harm caused by these injections. These mechanisms include neurological degeneration, penetrating the blood-brain barrier, which has led to personality changes and cognitive impairment in many individuals who have received multiple doses and booster vaccines. Research by Dr. Based on peer-reviewed publications and journals, Tenpenny's provides evidence-based information on the adverse effects of these vaccines…

..In fact, a new recent study of a major study has just come out that says the mechanisms of damage are now even better understood, causing turbo cancer and immune system suppression…

..From 20 damage mechanisms it has now expanded (so far) to 40 mechanisms already….

+ I remind you of the info when I did the work and wrote it down:
"LIST+EFFECTS OF scientifically based NATURAL ANTIBIOTICS and other medicines that help fight (not only) infections"
WITH TODAY'S UPDATE on "natural antimicrobials" (I will definitely continue on this topic and supplement the topic).

 ..That's why I recommend natural anti-microbial/antibiotic=natural products that are safer and more effective than those dispensed by your local pharmacy..