Those who have seen through the covid lie once will not succumb to it again


Unfortunately, it's not that easy...
It is true that those who have seen through the covid lie once are far more resistant and cautious to further manipulations, but this is far from the rule.

Unfortunately, quite a lot of people who have been debunking the covid and vaccination lies have jumped right on board with the Ukrainian and warmongering manipulation. There can be many reasons for this, and one of them is a certain redemption of a bad conscience and an effort after two years of despair to help someone and simply be good and useful (I know such people...).
I myself sometimes receive messages with text, as if through a copier - "I was rooting for you with covid, but now you've turned out to be a nice pro-Russian cockroach..."
But I still do the same thing - I just point out lies and manipulation - for example in Fiala's government, warmongering, or in the whole EU, but while earlier with Babišem, or later with covid it was useful to point out lies, today for some reason again no, and people are kicking around for the truth again...

So from a hero - a cockroach easily and quickly!

Far more interesting are the people - there aren't that many of them, but I've met a few - who for some reason were afraid of covid, completely jumped on the propaganda, they even believe in the vaccine to this day, but paradoxically they know that Ukraine is being played by the left and that here freedom is severely suppressed. And they don't keep silent and speak up.

And then, of course, there are those, and unfortunately they are the majority, who blindly trust and either do not want to know, deliberately close their eyes, are not interested, or what is worse – they know and deliberately lie and manipulate.
Unfortunately, these people jump on any other mainstream lie, which is a crutch and an easy answer for them, for example for their own failure, which they then have someone to throw at, and it doesn't matter if it's Babiš, covid, Ukraine, Putin, or even the Green deal.
Unfortunately, there is no help for such people, and if the situation does not affect them personally, nothing will do with them - but this can be due to adverse effects after vaccination, lack of gas, or perhaps very soon...

The technical director of CNN talks quite nicely about how everything is planned in the media on a hidden recording - how they first got the order to remove Trump from the White House, then they drove the covid and the pandemic, and now they will drive global warming and the fact that it will really last for them long.

Divide and conquer - so, hold on to your hats, enjoy your summer, because I think autumn and winter will radically decide…


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Václav Polák
Václav Polák
2 years ago

I can't do it and I have to overwhelmingly agree with Mr. Jeřábek. Clear and concise arguments!

Reply  Václav Polák
2 years ago

99% information from Kiev is all fantasy, but I'll leave you with it 🙂 It's exactly the same as ko*kovid. Don't be naive.. All politicians are puppets and all politics is a theater, all states and countries are a show. And there's a lot to look forward to - none of it is accidental, it's all intentional. Even all the "theatre" that I witness today and every day is to kill as many people as possible.
And lack of energy can mean 3-4 days of work. week. Factories and shops will be closed. Households will be cold, dark and literally dead. Food prices will skyrocket with the coming hyperinflation, shelves will be empty within minutes of being stocked. Fuel and food rationing is a real possibility. An artificially induced drought will mean that even water will be rationed.
There will be delays in railways, airports etc due to endless strikes. The new 30km/h per hour restrictions in cities will mean massive congestion and further delays.
Next inflation is going to go way up, so interest rates are going to go up. Real estate values will definitely drop. Rents will skyrocket as property owners abandon their properties in the face of oppressive legislation.
The fake pandemic is coming back, so masks will be mandatory and schools will be closed. There may be lockouts in October. Monkey pox is just the first of the buffet of new diseases that will haunt us. Social credit systems are being introduced everywhere.
And finally, try to think about all the old people who have been murdered in hospitals and nursing homes - just because of their age. Being called a nasty slur may be unpleasant, but it doesn't compare to being murdered by your own government, alone and scared. It's for their own good.
And if you don't understand the context of what's going on, where we are and where we're going...

Miloslav Jeřábek
Miloslav Jeřábek
Reply  CZkotas
2 years ago

I searched your extensive post for some argument against my claims to respond to, but found none. I would say that your last text is very telling and there is no need to add anything to it...

Reply  Miloslav Jeřábek
2 years ago

Ukraine carried out a missile attack on its own prisoners of war of the Azov battalion from Mariupol:

DLR Deputy Minister of Information Daniil Bezsonov posted a graphic video on his Telegram channel showing several mutilated and charred bodies inside the destroyed building. Do not play the video below if you have a weak stomach or if there are children around, 18+! (reuploaded from Telegram here to the server):

= On 29/07/2022, Ukraine carried out a missile attack with HIMARS missiles on the Jelenovka POW camp with detained members of the Azov Battalion captured by the Russian Army in Mariupol. 40 Azov residents did not survive the attack on the prisoner of war dormitory. This is how Zelenský repays the Azovians for their resistance in Mariupol until the last moment. A Russian MP has provided a gruesome and uncensored video of the crime scene, and Zelensky is apparently facing a military tribunal in Moscow. The Russian military prosecutor's office will begin investigating the attack.
Kiev forces shelled a Ukrainian POW detention center early Friday morning as the prisoners slept to "intimidate" their own soldiers who might want to surrender. "A large number of Ukrainian soldiers voluntarily lay down their arms and know about the humane treatment of prisoners by the Russian side," the ministry said, calling the attack "outrageous." The rocket attack was also motivated by Kyiv's efforts to silence the Azov prisoners so that they could no longer testify to Russian investigators about the crimes of the Ukrainian government.
Authorities in the Donetsk People's Republic (DLR) said later on Friday that the death toll from the rocket attack had risen to 53, while 75 were injured, but not counting the camp's civilian staff and civilians. Therefore, the number is already approaching two hundred.

I will add that this is exactly what the British did to the soldiers of their non-white colonized country in World War II..

Miloslav Jeřábek
Miloslav Jeřábek
2 years ago

I don't really understand what the author means by the "Ukrainian and warmongering manipulation". That Russia invaded Ukraine is confirmed by Russia itself, so we can probably take it as an indisputable fact. Or is it also manipulation and the author thinks that in fact Ukraine invaded peaceful Russia? I would like the author to explain this…

Miloslav Jeřábek
Miloslav Jeřábek
Reply  Jan Tománek
2 years ago

And what's going on? The politicians said we were at war. Everyone knows anyway that we have not declared war on anyone, so we are not at war and our army is not fighting. How should the manipulation be? Politicians always talk about it... The destroyed tanks on display were probably authentic and not fake, so it wasn't manipulation either. Or should it be manipulation that, in your opinion, the words "peace" and "negotiation" are rarely used? Would that help anyone? A strange opinion indeed… Or do you find it "manipulative" that the war in Ukraine is being given a lot of attention? One country in Europe has militarily invaded another country and is killing soldiers and civilians there! Haven't you noticed that yet? So should we pretend that nothing is happening? You obviously consider it wrong to support the attacked, you'd probably rather leave him alone. If someone ever brutally attacks you, I wish you that there are not people with your views nearby, but people who would help you against the attacker...

Reply  Miloslav Jeřábek
2 years ago

Realize that THE same media, the government has been massively lying here for almost three years, so why should we suddenly believe that it's all the way we're told, tell me ONE reason, just one…
And we already have hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians on the streets freely, without these refugees being in refugee camps for security reasons, as is customary everywhere else in the world, where refugees are not allowed to move in the population and have to be in refugee camps.
And mainstream journalists (TV, Seznam, idnes, centrum...), governments inform daily to make us think about the war in Ukraine. Looking at the news, you would think that Ukraine is the only troubled place in the world. But you'd be wrong. What is happening in Ukraine, whether someone likes it or not, is in no way different from other conflicts that take place in the world practically every day!!

+ FINAL BONUS, if you want to broaden your horizons a little, than just what the TV will say - one excellent link - a report by a German journalist from the conflict area: Reconstruction of Mariupol (+videos):¨/

US and NATO incompetents following orders and deliberately trying to provoke Russia into nuclear strikes against Western cities? And also go through my previous comments here, you have more information there. And around the UKR I constantly see false, distorted and fierce propaganda, the information often lacks logic..
More than once in Kiev they played ARMA III game and presented it as true information, also Ukraine itself fired its "human rights chief" (Lyudmyla Denisov) - because of fabricated claims about Russian soldiers who rape continuously - it's all fantasy = same as 99% information from Kiev. Lawmaker Pavlo Frolov said Denisova was also accused of making insensitive and unverifiable statements about alleged Russian sex crimes and spending too much time in Western Europe during the invasion. But people will no longer get the truth, the MSM wrote what Kiev vented and nobody corrected it in retrospect, just as nobody apologized. People do not know this and are still living in delusions thanks to the news.

And as I already wrote - "why should we suddenly believe that everything is as we are told, tell me ONE reason, just one..."

Miloslav Jeřábek
Miloslav Jeřábek
Reply  CZkotas
2 years ago

I will not write you any reason why to believe the media, because there is no reason to do so. The media just lies. But all media and sources lie, not only the mainstream ones, i.e. also those that claim the opposite of what the mainstream says. That is, even the ones you trust so much. You should realize that…
Trusting the media is stupid, but never trusting them and giving the opposite sign to everything they say is just as stupid. It is necessary not to believe and stick to the facts, confirmed by several independent sources. Such a fact is, for example, the fact that Russia invaded Ukraine and not the other way around. What is happening in Ukraine is in no way different from other conflicts, what about the world? If you're posting from some Pacific island, you're kind of right. But if you live in the Czech Republic, the war in Ukraine means that you have a war on the ground. In other words, it could threaten you soon... And that's a hell of a big difference compared to other wars on the other side of the world... Besides, war is probably always bad, no matter where it is in the world... Yes, Denisova lied to support Ukraine, Ukraine admitted it and threw her out. But this only shows that Ukraine is after all a slightly more civilized country than Russia, because it has never admitted any of its lies. And I really have no illusions about Ukraine...

Zdenek Šípek
2 years ago

There are a number of links in my article on the systemic crisis that at least partially explain the situation.
These, of course, are systematically planned and executed campaigns to influence the thinking of the masses.

and so on.

2 years ago

Daily Press: "Pfizer vaccine lowers sperm count in men"
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An Ontario hospital started vaccinating the 4th dose and 3 doctors died within a few days:
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etc. etc.. Almost daily there are threatening claims about life-saving "vaccines"...

If your protest is aimed at promoting myths proposed by the Elites (eg around vaccines or the global warming myth) and may cause delay, disruption and economic damage to large numbers of people, the police will be instructed to protect and defend your right to protest. If you want to stick to the road or an ambulance, the police will be ordered to give you all the help you need; they will probably squeeze the glue out for you if you ask them nicely. And if you want to drive down the highway at 5 km/h, the police will probably escort you and join you at the front and rear. Slow-moving convoys help use up nasty fossil fuels, keep the air rich with toxic fumes, destroy the economy by eroding productivity, and drive up prices.

However, if your protest is peaceful, not harassing the public, but broadcasting the truth about JElit lies, co*vid scams, vaccine dangers, and the like, then the police will be present in large numbers and the organizers and protesters will be harassed, intimidated, and arrested. And most of all SILENCED.
DISINFORMATION is anything they don't want spoken out loud.

Reply  CZkotas
2 years ago

The media used the footage from the gas leak and attributed it to covid, 24h/7 propaganda, why should I suddenly believe that the events of the RF vs UKR "conflict" are as we are "told"...why....? Same media, same puppets, governments..
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Lemonade Joe
Lemonade Joe
2 years ago

I am afraid that in the autumn/winter period, some individuals will not be moved even by the mentioned negative consequences of their own inactivity, convenience, blindness or indifference. Previously, "anti-vaxxers" were to blame for all the problems, today it is Putin. After all, our government can't think badly of us! After all, those pharmaceutical companies wouldn't supply the market with anything harmful! After all, the EU/USA/NATO would not sacrifice us! Psychological projection and cognitive dissonance at its best. Both the previous and the current government have been able to skillfully work with these psychological phenomena and use them to achieve their own goals, far removed from the goals of an ordinary, decent person. Puppets fulfilling the instructions of their puppeteers. In the perverted desires of the globalists, the vast majority of people (except, of course, the "elite" of the eye of the pyramid) become bio-robots without their own thinking, completely devoted to the system, dependent (in the broadest sense of the word) on it in such a way that they will defend it against possible resistance that would I hope you still have your sanity. Final victory on the side of Good, but it will still be a fight.