Tag: culture

On the need for human freedom – Radio Prostor

Writer Jan Tománek on the need for human freedom and reactions to defend against Covid bullying SPACE FOR TWO with Marek Stoniš About family, life, work, Covid, a new book, human laziness and freedom... The interview can be listened to here - Radio Prostor Artist, screenwriter and director Jan Tománek attracted a lot of attention fifteen years ago...

Start with yourself – a new book

On February 21st, my sixth book was published, which tries to answer the questions raised by The Rabbit Hole Guide. Changing yourself takes a huge amount of work, it hurts, and it is definitely not free. It is about a comprehensive change in thinking and approach to life. Sometimes I will probably be biting in the book –…

Small talk - talking about a book

Yesterday's talk about the Guide to the Rabbit Hole in Malostranská beseda - as a guest of the literal legends of Czech film and theater, Jan Kačer and Vlastimil Venclík. A reading from a book by well-known actors and a very interesting discussion in a purely Prague cafe of the highest intellectual category. A packed hall, half were fully awakened and…

A Guide to the Rabbit Hole - Book Launch

On Thursday, October 19, we are traditionally at the Kámen Theatre, together with MUDr. Jan Hnízdil and the principal of the theater Petr Odo Macháček, christened my new book The Rabbit Hole Guide. It is a book in which I tried to summarize everything I have come to in recent years. So that I can in life…


Animated image with bounce effect

Goat story - new edition of books

We have published a completely new expanded book edition of the film story based on the most successful Czech animated film, which is still The Goat Story. The books were written by writer Ivona Březinová, based on my film and script. A cheerful and at the same time scary story about Kuba and his constantly chattering Goat, who arrive in mysterious Prague. Love for…

A Guide to the Rabbit Hole - New Book

On September 28, my new book A Guide to the Rabbit Hole will be published, which will answer many questions about the world that you may not even want to know. It only depends on you, if you have the courage to ask if the world is really the way it tries to convince us. Anyway, I think it will be fun... In our e-shop in...

Interview for the Hollywood Reporter - Goat story

An interview about the Goat story and how Máca became an American icon. Original interview Translation of the interview - Google translator Like1

The finale of the Butterfly Scream game

On Friday, April 21, the finale of the play Motylí ú-křík based on my book Butterfly Scream was held in the Kámen Theater with a subsequent discussion together with the director Petr Odo Macháček. Calendar of other talks and meetings. Like1

War with trees - book launch

Last Friday, September 30, we had a ceremonial christening of my new book The War of Trees at the Kámen Theatre. I am very happy that Professor Jiří Beran took on the role of godfather, who, in addition to being a doctor and one of the first fighters against senseless covid measures, is also an avid reader. I thank the photographer for the beautiful photos...