Personal website and blog of the author of Goat Stories and writer Jan Tománek

In addition to blogs, you can find oi some information about me, my movies and bookswhich you can order in our e-shop.

If the world is not in order, in my opinion, everyone should contribute and help with what they can and, above all, they should stop being silent. And I guess I can write – so I write…

The best way to follow my current glosses and observations is on X (Twitter), or on Facebook – that's where I'm most active.

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Pre-sale of the latest book

Everything you didn't want to know about the world…

The sequel to the successful book Guide to the Rabbit Hole, which raised a number of questions and showed that what you have believed your whole life as a safe haven is one big lie.
Where the previous book asked questions, this one seeks to find answers.

"The cause of the crisis is moral poverty."
Tomáš Baťa said this a hundred years ago, and since then everything has only gotten worse and the problem has deepened - even the faith that people still had at that time has disappeared.

In almost every conversation where I meet people, the question comes up at the end:
"...I see what's happening, but what can I do about it?"

The short answer is: Start with yourself.
The longer answer, I firmly believe, is this book…

My books

Interviews and news from the work

Interview for the Conscience of the Nation

“I stopped watching the mainstream a long time ago. It seems strange to me that I would suddenly start believing someone who has been lying to me for two years. It's like the battered wife at home who keeps apologizing

War with trees - book launch

Last Friday, September 30, we had a ceremonial christening of my new book The War of Trees at the Kámen Theatre. I am very happy that Professor Jiří Beran, who is, took on the role of godfather

The War with the Trees - New Book

In the spring, after a year, I finished the new book War with the Trees, now I have finally finished the graphic design of the cover and it will go to press in the summer so that the book can be with you on September 14th.

Blogs and Texts

A Guide to the Rabbit Hole - Book Launch

On Thursday, October 19, we are traditionally at the Kámen Theatre, together with MUDr. Jan Hnízdil and the principal of the theater Petr Odo Macháček, christened my new book The Rabbit Hole Guide. it is a book

Lawsuit on Forum24

I am filing a lawsuit against Forum24 The cup of "normal" media expression has overflowed a long time ago, but I think even journalistic work should have some limits and not constantly reach into the deepest mire and write completely

Goat story - new edition of books

We have published a completely new expanded book edition of the film story based on the most successful Czech animated film, which is still The Goat Story. The books were written by writer Ivona Březinová, based on my film and script. Cheerful

No way, there is no intimidation here...

After the summer story of censorship in the Czech Radio, which I wrote about some time ago, here we have another level of persecution. We all know that intimidation happened during the covid era, and it's great

Non-dotted stories - Czech documentary

The next part of the long-awaited documentary Conscience of the Nation (after Dotted Stories). A great act about the trauma that our society has experienced and it is not healed and must not be silent about it. I am very proud that

A Guide to the Rabbit Hole - New Book

On September 28, my new book A Guide to the Rabbit Hole will be published, which will answer a lot of questions about the world that you might not even want to know. It's up to you if you have the courage to ask,

No way, we don't have censorship...

A young editor from Czech Radio calls you in the middle of the summer saying that she would like to invite you to the studio for an interview... The lady is from the culture column and it turns out that

Social networks