This pre-election video is really only for strong people. Yes, you can really rely on Petr Fiala and there is no point in adding more - he really matures like wine... Like6
At Christmas I got some virus - who knows what it was - lost my sense of smell, laid up with a fever for a week, rested and enjoyed reading in bed. Strangely afterwards I had some Long cosi... - unbelievable - I gasped for a week stairs, fortnight I have…
It's been about two years since we stopped having objective media in our country - be careful, I'm not under any illusions that it was rosy before, but with exceptions, the main media (sometimes even the public media) at least "tried" a little. But today? Apart from the usual tabloid news, a dead or cute pet…
Put dangerous and untested vaccines on the market? No one would allow that. We have control mechanisms, we have the responsibility of doctors - that could never happen. I remember seeing "our scientist" in the fall who, with an expression of complete determination and almost fanaticism, repeated in…
I naively thought that under the weight of facts, evidence and studies, the media should begin to slowly turn around and quietly back away, but the bridge was wrong. I uploaded the following video to YouTube - it was deleted and banned within three minutes... Just a statement and a doctor's concern about what is happening...
Today I read that the CEO of CT Petr Dvořák was elected vice-president of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) for the second time at today's general meeting in Dubrovnik. Congratulations - Mr. Dvořák is obviously doing well. And here it would be good to recall the article I wrote back in November last year...
I don't get any benefits from constantly going up against the wall - on the contrary, it only causes me problems, just like everyone else who doesn't shut up. This is really so difficult to understand that if I wanted to increase my own popularity, I would sit down in a TV studio and start...
A few days ago I wrote about how society is degenerating and doomed and today we have another swallow. Someone thought of it, someone supported it, someone paid for it, someone made it, and someone will hopefully start using it. It is nothing but a “cool app” where you…
Recently I was shopping in a large grocery chain and they had radishes there - a bunch on sale for 2.90,- Indeed, a bunch of beautiful big radishes cost only 2.90 CZK. That's not even the price that would pay for the shipping or the production of the rubber band with which the bundle was bound. On the other hand, there are people who…
I recently wrote about why there is no blood - that is, from my personal experience - but as it turned out later, unfortunately, dozens of people have gone through something similar, so my case is probably not unique at all. Yesterday, a number of articles jumped out at me again, how hospitals are desperately looking for doctors and that…
Are you also happy that every time you throw plastic in the yellow bin, you do at least a little bit for the planet? I will not hide the fact that, of course, we also sort all the waste at home and compost most of the biological waste. But have you ever wondered what actually happens to your sorted (not to be confused with recycled…) plastics…
Yesterday was World Blood Donor Day and I read countless articles about hospitals complaining that they don't have blood. Let me share my story. I have been a regular and VOLUNTARY blood donor since 2003, in 2017 I received a Janský bronze plaque and I have a relatively rare blood group A-. So much…
I've seen a lot of articles about voter fraud in the 2020 US presidential election, but today I saw this documentary and it really shocked me at the extent it was going on and if this is all true, then the evidence is really incontrovertible. 4 million minutes of camera footage…
Somewhere, those vaccination comrades from the GDR must have made a mistake, when in the most vaccinated Portugal, they now have the most covid positives at the beginning of the summer... Somehow, in short, I still don't understand it - I'm probably just a stupid artist again - and that the "experts" again text in Novinky explained: "Scientists discovered...
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